Women’s Equality Day

Women’s Equality Day

Around the world, August 26th is observed as World Women's Equality Day. This day is celebrated to mark another opportunity to acknowledge women around us who made an impact in society and how! When men and women are given equal opportunities on a personal, professional, and social level, they gain access to an environment that is designed to uplift rather than exploit.


Several women's organisations across the country celebrate this day and work hard to provide equal opportunities for women in education and employment. Read our blog on Girl Child, where the struggles of being born as a girl are mentioned.


We all know that without women, the entire human species would perish. Women bear children and bring forth new life. She has multiple roles in her life. She is a mother, a daughter, a wife, a sister, a teacher, and a friend, and adorns many other roles.


Mother, Daughter, Sister, wife


She encourages her children's development and teaches them how to deal with failures, successes, and the need to try again. In the last decade, India has witnessed a refreshing shift in conversations about women's equality and empowerment, not only in privileged spaces but also in popular culture and social media.


As per daysoftheyear, for many years, National Women's Equality Day has been observed. In 1973, it was the first year. Since then, the date, 26th August has been declared by the President of the United States as National Women’s Equality Day. The date was chosen to commemorate the day in the 1920s when the then-Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby signed the proclamation that granted women in the United States the constitutional right to vote.


In 1920, the day represented the culmination of 72 years of campaigning by a massive civil rights movement for women. Prior to such movements, even respected thinkers such as Rousseau and Kant believed that women's inferior status in society was entirely logical and reasonable; women were 'beautiful' and 'unfit for serious employment.'


Gender Equality


The last century has demonstrated more than ever before what both men and women are capable of accomplishing when given the opportunity.


Women's equality has evolved to mean much more than simply having the right to vote. Organisations such as Equality Now and Womankind Worldwide continue to work to provide women around the world with equal access to education and employment, as well as to combat suppression and violence against women, as well as discrimination and stereotyping, which still exist in every society.


Women's Equality Day is about uplifting and empowering women, as well as celebrating how far women have come in defying all odds and oppression. Men and women express gratitude to influential women in their lives, support local businesses run by women, and celebrate womanhood with your girl gang and special ladies, among other things.

Funds are raised for women's empowerment charities and organisations. Guest speakers who are prominent women are featured on various virtual and live platforms.


Gender Equality, WomenEqualityDay

Women's equality success stories are shared on social media using the hashtag #WomenEqualityDay. The online community discusses issues that women face and offers solutions and assistance.


Some facts by nationaltoday on women,


18 – the number of countries in which husbands have the legal right to prevent their wives from working.

39 –the number of countries where sons and daughters do not inherit equally.

1 in 5 – Women and girls have been abused physically and/or sexually by a partner.

23.7% –the proportion of women represented in national legislatures

108 – the number of years required to close the gender gap

6 – the number of countries in which women have equal employment rights as men.

2.24 – the number of men in films for every female character

47% – the percentage of women who are more likely to suffer serious injuries in car accidents because safety features are designed for men

13% – the proportion of women who own agricultural land worldwide

40% –Since 2000, the percentage of girls marrying as children has decreased in Southern Asia.


Women's Equality Day can be observed in a variety of ways. One of the best things to do on this day is to honour the incredible women who have made a significant difference in the movement. 


Gender Equality, WomenEqualityDay


19-year-old Kusum (name changed) was born on the street. She was left alone on the roads when both her parents passed away. She never thought that she'll be able to live a good life. Today, she passed HSC with flying colours.

This story is not the only story, but there are more stories just like these of millions of girls in India, few of these stories are from Mangal Ashray Samajik Sanstha where they welcome these young women and aid them to develop confidence, self-respect, career and independence.

They need your help to raise funds to change the lives of these girls. Please consider donating to this cause and sharing it on your social media channels. Every contribution counts and no amount is small for a good cause.

You can share information with your friends, family, and followers online to raise awareness among all of your loved ones. You can also start a campaign to support the incredible women on Filaantro and empower them.


Author: Lubdha Dhanopia


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