Filaantro: Crowdfunding for a Cause

Monday, 11 april 2022,17:27 IST | | Loksatta Sangharsh

मुरबाड दिं.३ (बाळासाहेब भालेराव) : विद्यार्थ्यांचे आरोग्य आणि शिक्षण क्षेत्रात क्रांती व्हावी व विद्यार्थ्यांना शिक्षणाचा अधिकार मिळावा यासाठी सर्वच क्षेत्रात मोठ्या प्रमाणात कार्य केले जात आहे. याचाच भाग म्हणून निधी संकलन करणारी फीलंत्रो या संस्थेने मुरबाड तालुक्यातील ११ गावांमध्ये एक गाव एक शिक्षण हाबुपक्रम राबविण्यास सुरुवात केली आहे. प्रकल्पाचा एक भाग म्हणून, वेल्फेअर सोसायटी फॉर डिस्टिट्युट चिल्ड्रन, गावातील इयत्ता पहिली ते दहावी पर्यंतच्या स्थानिक शिक्षकासह विद्यार्थ्यांना मोफत मदत करत आहे अशी माहिती फिलान्ट्रोचे प्रवक्ते, सह-संस्थापक जीजी जॉन यांनी पत्रकारांशी बोलताना दिली.

Filaantro: Crowdfunding for a Cause

Monday, 11 april 2022, 17:27 IST | | Divya Bhaskar

ક્રાઉડ ફન્ડિંગવાળું સંગઠન ફિલાંત્રો દ્વારા થાણે જિલ્લાના મુરબાડ તાલુકાનાં 11 ગામમાં એક ગામ, એક શિક્ષક પહેલ શરૂ કરી છે. સ્થાપક જોને જણાવ્યું કે આ યોજનાના ભાગરૂપે વેલફેર સોસાયટી ફોર ડિસ્ટિક્ટિવ ચિલ્ડ્રન ગામોમાં વિદ્યાર્થીઓનો મફત શિક્ષણ આપી રહી છે, જેમાં એકથી દસ સુધી સ્થાનિક શિક્ષકોનો સમાવેશ થાય છે. આ પહેલ હેઠળ ગામના બાળકોને તેમની જાતિ, ધર્મ અથવા આર્થિક સ્થિતિ ગમે તેવી હોવા છતાં તેમને આસાનીથી પ્રવેશ મળે છે. એક શિત્રક સાથે શરૂઆત કરાઈ હતી, પરંતુ ટૂંક સમયમાં જ એક ગામમાં શિક્ષકોની સંખ્યા ત્રણ સુધી પહોંચી છે. હાલ 11 ગામમાં 15 શિક્ષક કાર્યરત છે. દરેક ગામમાં લગભગ 25-30 બાળકોએ પ્રવેશ લીધો છે.

Filaantro: Crowdfunding for a Cause

Monday, 11 april 2022,17:27 IST | | lokmat times

Filaantro is an online crowdfunding platform helping individuals and organisations to raise funds by collecting donations. Founded in 2019 by Mr Jiji John, Mr Sunil Varghese, Mr Jugender Singh and Mr Rajendra Pathak, Filaantro is leading with the vision of connecting individuals and communities through their platform and inspiring them to raise funds for the greater good.

Filaantro: Crowdfunding for a Cause

Monday, 11 april 2022, 17:27 IST | | The buisness journal

Filaantro is an online crowdfunding platform helping individuals and organisations to raise funds by collecting donations. Founded in 2019 by Mr Jiji John, Mr Sunil Varghese, Mr Jugender Singh and Mr Rajendra Pathak, Filaantro is leading with the vision of connecting individuals and communities through their platform and inspiring them to raise funds for the greater good.

Filaantro: Crowdfunding for a Cause

Monday, 11 april 2022, 17:27 IST | | web india 123

Filaantro is an online crowdfunding platform helping individuals and organisations to raise funds by collecting donations. Founded in 2019 by Mr Jiji John, Mr Sunil Varghese, Mr Jugender Singh and Mr Rajendra Pathak, Filaantro is leading with the vision of connecting individuals and communities through their platform and inspiring them to raise funds for the greater good.

Filaantro: Crowdfunding for a Cause

Monday, 11 april 2022, 17:27 IST | | Big news network

Filaantro is an online crowdfunding platform helping individuals and organisations to raise funds by collecting donations. Founded in 2019 by Mr Jiji John, Mr Sunil Varghese, Mr Jugender Singh and Mr Rajendra Pathak, Filaantro is leading with the vision of connecting individuals and communities through their platform and inspiring them to raise funds for the greater good.

Filaantro: Crowdfunding for a Cause

Monday, 11 april 2022, 17:27 IST | | Business standard

Filaantro is an online crowdfunding platform helping individuals and organisations to raise funds by collecting donations. Founded in 2019 by Mr Jiji John, Mr Sunil Varghese, Mr Jugender Singh and Mr Rajendra Pathak, Filaantro is leading with the vision of connecting individuals and communities through their platform and inspiring them to raise funds for the greater good.

Filaantro: Crowdfunding for a Cause

Monday, 11 april 2022,17:27 IST | | zee5

Filaantro is an online crowdfunding platform helping individuals and organisations to raise funds by collecting donations. Founded in 2019 by Mr Jiji John, Mr Sunil Varghese, Mr Jugender Singh and Mr Rajendra Pathak, Filaantro is leading with the vision of connecting individuals and communities through their platform and inspiring them to raise funds for the greater good.

Filaantro: Crowdfunding for a Cause

Monday, 11 april 2022, 17:27 IST | | LATEST LY

Filaantro is an online crowdfunding platform helping individuals and organisations to raise funds by collecting donations. Founded in 2019 by Mr Jiji John, Mr Sunil Varghese, Mr Jugender Singh and Mr Rajendra Pathak, Filaantro is leading with the vision of connecting individuals and communities through their platform and inspiring them to raise funds for the greater good.

Filaantro: Crowdfunding for a Cause

Tuesday, 07 December 2021, 17:27 IST | | THE PRINT

Filaantro is an online crowdfunding platform helping individuals and organisations to raise funds by collecting donations. Founded in 2019 by Mr Jiji John, Mr Sunil Varghese, Mr Jugender Singh and Mr Rajendra Pathak, Filaantro is leading with the vision of connecting individuals and communities through their platform and inspiring them to raise funds for the greater good.

Filaantro: Crowdfunding for a Cause

Tuesday, 07 December 2021, 17:27 IST | | DIRECT DIGITAL NEWS

Filaantro is an online crowdfunding platform helping individuals and organisations to raise funds by collecting donations. Founded in 2019 by Mr Jiji John, Mr Sunil Varghese, Mr Jugender Singh and Mr Rajendra Pathak, Filaantro is leading with the vision of connecting individuals and communities through their platform and inspiring them to raise funds for the greater good.

Filaantro: Crowdfunding for a Cause

Tuesday, 07 December 2021, 17:27 IST | | THE NEWS BHARTI

Filaantro is an online crowdfunding platform helping individuals and organisations to raise funds by collecting donations. Founded in 2019 by Mr Jiji John, Mr Sunil Varghese, Mr Jugender Singh and Mr Rajendra Pathak, Filaantro is leading with the vision of connecting individuals and communities through their platform and inspiring them to raise funds for the greater good.

Filaantro: Crowdfunding for a Cause

Tuesday, 07 December 2021, 17:27 IST | | NEWS WIRE KARNATAKA

Filaantro is an online crowdfunding platform helping individuals and organisations to raise funds by collecting donations. Founded in 2019 by Mr Jiji John, Mr Sunil Varghese, Mr Jugender Singh and Mr Rajendra Pathak, Filaantro is leading with the vision of connecting individuals and communities through their platform and inspiring them to raise funds for the greater good.

Filaantro: Crowdfunding for a Cause

Tuesday, 07 December 2021, 17:27 IST | | NEWS 21

Filaantro is an online crowdfunding platform helping individuals and organisations to raise funds by collecting donations. Founded in 2019 by Mr Jiji John, Mr Sunil Varghese, Mr Jugender Singh and Mr Rajendra Pathak, Filaantro is leading with the vision of connecting individuals and communities through their platform and inspiring them to raise funds for the greater good.

Filaantro: Crowdfunding for a Cause

Tuesday, 07 December 2021, 17:27 IST | | INDIAN WEEKEND

Filaantro is an online crowdfunding platform helping individuals and organisations to raise funds by collecting donations. Founded in 2019 by Mr Jiji John, Mr Sunil Varghese, Mr Jugender Singh and Mr Rajendra Pathak, Filaantro is leading with the vision of connecting individuals and communities through their platform and inspiring them to raise funds for the greater good.

Filaantro: Crowdfunding for a Cause

Tuesday, 07 December 2021, 17:27 IST | | HI GUJRAAT

Filaantro is an online crowdfunding platform helping individuals and organisations to raise funds by collecting donations. Founded in 2019 by Mr Jiji John, Mr Sunil Varghese, Mr Jugender Singh and Mr Rajendra Pathak, Filaantro is leading with the vision of connecting individuals and communities through their platform and inspiring them to raise funds for the greater good.

Filaantro: Crowdfunding for a Cause

Tuesday, 07 December 2021, 17:27 IST | | CITY LIGHTS

Filaantro is an online crowdfunding platform helping individuals and organisations to raise funds by collecting donations. Founded in 2019 by Mr Jiji John, Mr Sunil Varghese, Mr Jugender Singh and Mr Rajendra Pathak, Filaantro is leading with the vision of connecting individuals and communities through their platform and inspiring them to raise funds for the greater good.

Filaantro: Crowdfunding for a Cause

Tuesday, 07 December 2021, 17:27 IST | | STAR NEWSLINE

Filaantro is an online crowdfunding platform helping individuals and organisations to raise funds by collecting donations. Founded in 2019 by Mr Jiji John, Mr Sunil Varghese, Mr Jugender Singh and Mr Rajendra Pathak, Filaantro is leading with the vision of connecting individuals and communities through their platform and inspiring them to raise funds for the greater good.

Filaantro: Crowdfunding for a Cause

Tuesday, 07 December 2021, 17:27 IST | | NEWS CONTENT

Filaantro is an online crowdfunding platform helping individuals and organisations to raise funds by collecting donations. Founded in 2019 by Mr Jiji John, Mr Sunil Varghese, Mr Jugender Singh and Mr Rajendra Pathak, Filaantro is leading with the vision of connecting individuals and communities through their platform and inspiring them to raise funds for the greater good.

Filaantro: Crowdfunding for a Cause

Tuesday, 07 December 2021, 17:27 IST | | ONE INDIA

Filaantro is an online crowdfunding platform helping individuals and organisations to raise funds by collecting donations. Founded in 2019 by Mr Jiji John, Mr Sunil Varghese, Mr Jugender Singh and Mr Rajendra Pathak, Filaantro is leading with the vision of connecting individuals and communities through their platform and inspiring them to raise funds for the greater good.

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