World Water Week 2022

World Water Week 2022

“Conserve Water, Save a million Lives!”

“Save Water!”

“Drip, Drop, Drip, Drop, This Clock Must Stop!”

“Save water, Live green!” 


We have been hearing and reading these slogans for a long time now. Moreover, the number of slogans has been increasing. Why? 


  • Over two billion people live in countries where the water supply is inadequate.
  • Half of the world’s population could be living in areas facing water scarcity by as early as 2025.
  • By 2040, roughly 1 in 4 children worldwide will be living in areas of extremely high water stress.



These UN reports about water scarcity around the globe are alarming but we still are not taking decisive actions to address the water crisis. 

Already, 1 in every 10 people does not have clean and safe water to drink, but the time is not far when may be, 1 in every 5 people will not have access to safe water


The United Nations is on its toes taking powerful actions to fight the water crisis. Various programmes are held to raise awareness regarding water scarcity. Not only that, the United Nations along with other international organizations is trying to find out ways to manage water usage. 


One such initiative is dedicating a whole week to the water crisis.

Yes! The last week of August every year is World Water Week, marked to raise awareness about the global crisis of water scarcity. This year, it will be conducted from 23rd August to 01st September 2022. 


What is World Water Week?

The Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) hosts World Water Week every year. It is a conference on global water issues. It draws people from professional backgrounds and every corner of the world to work on water-related challenges around the globe. The first World Water Week was held in the year 1991, as Stockholm Water Symposium. 


In 2001 the rebranding of world water week took place and the official name became 'World Water Week in Stockholm.' A single theme was initially advocated for four to five years, but since 2008, a new theme is selected each year.


The Theme for 2022




This year's theme for World Water Week is 'Seeing the Unseen: The Value of Water.' It is built on the need to not only see but to understand the value of water. the theme captures the three main perspectives: 

  1. the value of water for people and development;
  2. the value of water for nature and climate change; and
  3. the financial and economic value of water.

It pays special attention to often forgotten perspectives like all the virtual water that is required to produce food, the valuable groundwater and the fast-evolving understanding of water in soils. The thematic scope of the Week is developed by SIWI’s Scientific Programme Committee.


A special segment of this year's world water week is that for the first time the conference will be hybrid and will allow delegates from around the world to join the conference online and/or in person in Stockholm. This hybrid format promotes new opportunities for people to connect encouraging idea generation, innovation, and discussions about our shared future. 



How Can You Observe the World Water Week?

While the international conference takes place in Stockholm for world water week, how can we observe the week, rather, celebrate the elixir that water is?


1. Practice responsible water use: Try something new in observance of World Water Week. Make quick notes about how much water you use each day. You could be surprised by your everyday water usage when you lay in bed to go to sleep. The first step towards discovering how much water you consume is awareness.

2. Drink sustainably: Drinking water from plastic bottles not only generates unneeded waste like plastic pollution, fossil fuel depletion, and carbon emissions, but it also comes from areas that are experiencing drought. Use alternatives to plastic bottles to drink water like glasses, bottles that are made of steel or glass or any reusable glass. 

3. Water efficiency: Detect and repair all leaks in irrigation systems. Your local hardware or plumbing supply store carries low-cost flow restrictors or shower heads that will reduce the flow of your shower from five to ten to roughly three gallons per minute. Your showers will still be pleasant and clean after installing them, and they are simple to set up.

4. While at home: 

  • When watering plants, apply water only as fast as the soil can absorb it.
  • Cook food in as little water as possible. This also helps retain more nutrients.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables in a pan instead of running water from the tap.
  • Reward kids for water-saving tips they follow.
  • Don’t leave the water running when you brush your teeth. 


These are ways to save water at individual levels. You can find more ways to conserve water every day on the internet and through professionals. Please practise water conservation and if you haven't what better time than starting it with World Water Week? 


One of the ways that Filaantro is observing World Water Week is by raising awareness. A poster-making competition supports this idea where posters will be made by the members of Filaantro keeping in mind the theme of this year to raise awareness regarding the water crisis. 


Always remember that together we can tackle the global water crisis and secure the future that we all share! 


Author: Anjali Patel

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