World Suicide Prevention Day: How Can We Stop the Epidemic?

World Suicide Prevention Day: How Can We Stop the Epidemic?

The pain and emotional turmoil that precedes suicide is not to be belittled. Very few can contemplate the emotional burden carried by the person dwelling on their very own existence.


Suicide is common among all ages, genders and communities. It is a shocking epidemic, and its discussion is largely shunned and frowned upon, which doesn’t help. 


The year 2021 saw a jump in the rate of suicides in India. The previous year, i.e. 2020, recorded a suicide rate of 11.3, which increased to 12 in 2021, meaning that 1.64 lakh people sadly took their own lives. According to World Population Review, India has the 38th Highest Suicide Rate in the world. 


10th September is observed as World Suicide Prevention Day, by  International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP), in collaboration with World Health Organization (WHO) and World Federation For Mental Health (WFMH). The theme of this year is “Creating Hope Through Action”, which serves as a reminder that there is an alternative to suicide and that through collective action and hope, prevention of suicide can be achieved.


To combat the suicide epidemic, teenagers and adults alike should be encouraged to open up and talk about their emotional turmoils. It is also important to not mock or disparage someone for opening up because what might seem trivial to some, could be a major problem for the other. 


The cause of suicide can vary ranging from bullying, body dysmorphia, gender dysphoria, economic turmoil, and relationship issues. While family and friends can offer help, it is very important to seek professional help. While family and friends are well-intentioned, sometimes their advice might not be helpful as they are limited by their own experiences.


There are various hotline numbers, varying from state to state. Aasra has compiled a list of suicide hotlines, which can be helpful to you or anyone you know experiencing a mental health crisis. 


 Parent-Child Relationship Filaantro


As a parent, you might want to note down any change in behaviours such as sleep patterns, appetite, and social activities. Loss of interest in hobbies or topics they are passionate about is one of the major signs that your child might be experiencing mental health issues. 


It is also important to watch your tone and words while approaching your child because words do denote negative feelings, even if you don’t intend to. For example, Instead of saying "I can't believe what I'm hearing!", you can say "Maybe you're wondering how life got this complicated and difficult.".


If your child enters treatment, it is still important for you to keep a check on your child. Keep encouraging them and reassure them with smiles and hopes, you can remind them there are a lot of people going through mental health problems, and it is completely normal to feel this. 


Filaantro has conducted a lot of suicide prevention and mental health drives in the past. Awareness sessions have been held in school with a panel of experts, encouraging students to speak up about their mental health issues.


Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Make sure to share it with all your friends and family members.


AUTHOR: Adil Sayyad


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