World Paper Bag Day: Significance of the Plastic Alternative

World Paper Bag Day: Significance of the Plastic Alternative

World Paper Bag Day is annually celebrated on 12th July to raise awareness of the importance of paper bags and their positive effects on the environment. The date of 12th July was selected as it coincides with the date of the invention of the paper bag machine in 1852 by Francis Wolle.


Why should one switch to paper bags from plastic ones?


Plastic in the ocean Filaantro


Simply because it doesn’t stay in the environment for long.  It takes roughly 4-6 weeks for paper bags to decompose, while plastic bags can take up to 1000 years to decompose. This means that every plastic ever produced is still somewhere in the world.


These bits of plastic can enter the bodies of animals and humans alike by turning into microplastics that are invisible to the naked eye. 


This simple reasoning is the reason why we should opt for paper bags instead of plastic ones as it reduces environmental and physical damage.  World Paper Bag Day is an excellent opportunity to make small changes in your life and make your contribution to the environmentalist movement.


Start from your home itself, try switching to paper bags for shopping. Carry your own bags for shopping and refuse plastic bags given by shopkeepers. This will reduce the need for plastic bags and make a dent in the production of it. 


You can also encourage shopkeepers to give out paper bags instead of plastic ones. Write letters to authorities to give incentives or subsidies to shopkeepers who switch to paper bags. This will encourage the shopkeepers to make a different choice.


Demonstrations and street walks are also effective. Gather your group of friends and carry placards to send a message. This will encourage others to make a change in their lifestyle as well.


Many people in India still are unaware of the harm caused by plastic bags. You can educate those people by conducting workshops or giving speeches. Sharing on social media can also appeal to a wide audience. You can share infographics of widespread destruction caused by plastic.


Filaantro and Child Help Foundation greatly support the initiative of World Paper Bag Day. In the past, we have distributed paper bags to shopkeepers to encourage them to make a change.


Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Make sure to share it with all your friends and family members. Keep checking this space for more blogs in the future. 


AUTHOR: Adil Sayyad

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