World Lion Day: Significance and Conservation of the King of the Jungle

World Lion Day: Significance and Conservation of the King of the Jungle

First started by Big Cat Rescue in 2013, the world’s largest accredited sanctuary dedicated to lions, World Lion Day has been an annual celebration of the kings of the jungle every August 10th.


On this day, art, photography and cultural events are held which celebrate the significance, beauty and conservation of the species. Workshops, seminars, and talks are also held on this day to raise awareness about the importance and conservation of lions. Some organizations even raise funds for conservation efforts. 


The estimated population of lions stands between 23,000 to 39,000, out of which 674 reside in the Gir Forest of India. The worldwide population of lions has seen a steep decrease of 20% in the past two decades. Human-wildlife conflict, natural prey decline, habitat loss, climate change and wildlife trade are to be blamed for the decline in the population of lions.


Lions are the apex predators in the animal kingdom. They drive the ‘circle of life’ in the wild. Lions play a significant role in maintaining the balance between herbivores and grasslands. This also helps the local population who rely on these natural resources.


So, what can you as a layman do to save lions?


Conservation of Lions Filaantro


One of the most wholesome ways to save a lion is to adopt one. No, we are not saying that you need to keep one in your home, but you can sponsor a lion. Through GG Conservation, you can actually adopt a lion. Your sponsorship will enable them to raise funds for food, veterinary care and housing costs. You would also get regular updates on how your lion is doing.


If a monthly donation is not feasible for you, you can donate to an organization for a single time. Wildlife Trust of India is one such organization working for the conservation of animal habitats. Your donation would not only help lions but the whole animal kingdom.


Wildlife poaching is one of the biggest threats to lions, as the demand for animal products is high. So, what better way to reduce poaching than to destroy the poaching industry? Your sole refusal to stop purchasing and selling lion products can have a significant impact on conservation efforts.


Lastly, you can spread awareness in your community by organizing fundraisers. You can also spread the word on social media regarding the importance of conserving lions. Never underestimate the power of your single voice, as it can lead to a chain reaction of shares, which can have a lasting impact.


Filaantro understands the importance of animals in our vicinity. We have conducted a lot of feeding and awareness campaigns in the past. Filaantro supports animal conservation, and users can even start a fundraising campaign for animal conservation.


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