World Food Safety Day: What Can You Do To Celebrate

World Food Safety Day: What Can You Do To Celebrate

7th June is annually observed as World Food Safety Day. It is a United Nations-designated event, primarily aimed to draw attention and inspire action to help prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks, contributing to food security, human health, economic prosperity, agriculture, market access, tourism and sustainable development. 


The theme for this year is “prepare for the unexpected”, which underlines the importance of being prepared for food safety incidents, no matter how mild or severe they can be, according to its website.


To talk about World Food Safety Day, here is what you can do on World Food Safety Day with your community.


You can organise food safety workshops by inviting doctors or health experts to inform people about food safety habits. Topics like proper food handling, storage, and hygiene can be covered in this incident. Chefs and culinary experts can also be invited to demonstrate safe cooking techniques and proper food preparation methods. You can also host a potluck where everyone is asked to bring nutritious food and tell them to explain the benefits of the said food. 


Social Media is also a great tool to create awareness around safety standards. Share flyers, and infographics or join the conversation using relevant hashtags. You can also visit local farms or food production facilities to understand how safe food is being produced.


To make this day fun, you can host a trivia or quiz around food safety, where winners will receive gifts or prizes. This encourages discussion and helps to create awareness. 


Food Bank Filaantro


Food banks are always looking for volunteers to help them in their work. You can lend your hand for a day to help them create a nutritious population. You can assist them in preparing food or packing food items.


As a bonus, here are some food safety habits that you need to follow. So that you can help spread awareness.


  1. Wash Hands Thoroughly: Always wash your hands with soap and water before handling food, especially after using the restroom, touching pets, or handling raw meat, poultry, or seafood.


  1. Clean Surfaces and Utensils: Keep kitchen surfaces, cutting boards, utensils, and countertops clean by washing them with hot, soapy water after each use to prevent cross-contamination.


  1. Separate Raw and Cooked Foods: Use separate cutting boards and utensils for raw meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs to avoid cross-contamination with ready-to-eat foods.


  1. Cook Food to Safe Temperatures: Use a food thermometer to ensure that meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs are cooked to the appropriate internal temperatures to kill harmful bacteria. 


  1. Chill Perishable Foods Promptly: Refrigerate perishable foods such as meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, and leftovers within two hours of cooking or purchasing. Keep the refrigerator temperature at or below 4°C and the freezer at -18°C.


  1. Refrigerate:  Store frozen foods safely in the refrigerator, under cold running water, or in the microwave. Never dtore foods at room temperature, as it increases the risk of bacterial growth.


  1. Store Food Properly: Store food in airtight containers or wraps to prevent contamination and spoilage. Keep raw meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs separate from other foods in the refrigerator.


  1. Check Expiration Dates: Regularly check expiration dates on packaged foods and discard any items that are past their expiration date or show signs of spoilage, such as mould or unusual odour.


  1. Avoid Cross-Contamination: Keep raw meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs away from ready-to-eat foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and salads, to prevent cross-contamination.


  1. Be Mindful of Food Allergies: If you or someone you are cooking for has food allergies, be vigilant about reading ingredient labels and preventing cross-contact with allergens.


Filaantro regularly conducts food distribution, along with its partner, Child Help Foundation. Filaantro has fed 26,75,278 people with its programmes. 


Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Make sure to share it with all your friends and family members. 


AUTHOR: Adil Sayyad




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