World Autism Awareness Week: 5 Famous People you didn’t know have Autism

World Autism Awareness Week: 5 Famous People you didn’t know have Autism

Autism Awareness Week was started by the National Autistic Society (NAS) in 2007. It happened in conjunction with World Autism Day which falls on April 2nd. The objective of this day is to create awareness and educate the masses regarding Autism. 


It is said that about 1% of the world’s children have some kind of autism. So, it’s a crying shame that there is little to no awareness regarding autism among the common folk.


First, let’s define Autism. According to World Health Organization


“Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a diverse group of conditions. They are characterised by some degree of difficulty with social interaction and communication. Other characteristics are atypical patterns of activities and behaviours, such as difficulty with transition from one activity to another, a focus on details and unusual reactions to sensations.”


Autism can have an impact on a person’s education and employment opportunities. 


To inspire children with autism, and to dispel the myth that people with autism are a liability, we are here to present five famous people who deal with autism.


  1. Greta Thunberg

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The 20-Year-Old Swedish Environmental Activist, who has been making waves ever since she was 15, is open about her autism diagnosis. She says that it makes her different, and sometimes being different can be a superpower. Well, she did inspire millions of children and politicians around the world to join the fight against climate change, so she might well have some superpowers. 


  1. Eminem

Eminem Filaantro



Arguably the greatest rapper of all time, Eminem has mentioned that he has Asperger syndrome in his song ‘Wicked Ways’. He has also rapped in his song ‘Legacy’ where he mentions being ‘differently wired’, and how it has led him to success. The Grammy-winning rapper has inspired numerous people with his heartful lyrics, and we hope that he continues to do so.


  1. Sir Anthony Hopkins


Sir Anthony Hopkins Filaantro



Sir Anthony Hopkins is one of the greatest actors of our generation. His acting chops have led him to two Academy Awards, four BAFTA Awards, two Primetime Emmy Awards, and also a knighthood by Queen Elizabeth II. In 2017, he disclosed that he was diagnosed with autism. Anthony went on to describe his condition as a ‘great gift’, as it helps him to obsess over details.


  1. Jessica Jane Applegate


Jessica Jane Applegate Filaantro



The youngest member on this list, Jessica Jane Applegate is one of the best paralympic swimmers around. She has the honour of being inducted into the Member of the Order of the British Empire at the age of only twenty-six years old. At Paralympics 2012, She won a gold medal in the S14 200m freestyle. Talking about her autism, she says that “how even having a normal conversation can be very hard at times”. Jessica Jane Applegate looks forward to adding more accolades at Paris 2024 Paralympics.


  1. Temple Grandin

Temple Grandin Filaantro



An author of more than 60 scientific papers on animal behaviour, Temple Grandin is a huge advocate for the humane treatment of livestock for slaughter. Dr Grandin revealed that she had a lot of difficulty in her childhood, and didn’t learn how to speak until she was three years old. She detailed about living with autism in her tell-all book Emergence: Labeled Autistic, which was the first inside narrative of autism. 


These five people have proven that no disease can be an obstacle to your dreams and ambitions. They have changed the perception of autistic people in the mass media. So, don’t let anyone say that you can’t achieve your goals because of your setbacks. 


Do you know any more famous people with autism? Let us know in the comments section below. If you know any autistic patient who requires any kind of monetary assistance, feel free to open a fundraiser at our very own Filaantro website. 


Author: Adil Sayyad


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