World Alzheimer’s Day: Highlighting the Often Ignored Disease

World Alzheimer’s Day: Highlighting the Often Ignored Disease

Every year on September 21, World Alzheimer’s Day is observed, drawing global attention to a disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, a progressive brain disorder that gradually impairs memory, thinking, and the ability to perform everyday activities. This day serves as an important reminder of the challenges faced by those living with Alzheimer’s and their caregivers, as well as the urgent need for awareness, research, and support.


Alzheimer’s disease goes beyond the affected individual. It can impact families, communities and caregivers. As the average age of the population increases, Alzheimer's becomes more prevalent. Early diagnosis is important and some early symptoms can include memory loss, difficulty in performing familiar tasks, confusion about time and place, and changes in mood or personality. It’s during these times that family members should look after their loved ones and consult a doctor.


Nursing Homes Filaantro


People with Alzheimer’s often depend on their loved ones for personal care. However, with long working hours and busy schedules, it can be challenging for families to provide the necessary support. In these situations, nursing homes play a crucial role in caring for individuals with Alzheimer’s. Unfortunately, many nursing homes are underfunded, and the stigma surrounding placing a parent in such facilities often leads families to hesitate. As a result, many people feel compelled to take on the responsibility of caring for their elderly loved ones, despite the challenges it presents.


World Alzheimer’s Day is an opportunity to empower and make the lives of people with Alzheimer’s and the people taking care of them better. It’s a chance to shift from the traditional concept of caregiving to a more socialised one. The nurturing of vulnerable people should be the role of collective society. 


To observe World Alzheimer’s Day, we need to move beyond traditional methods of caregiving and vouch for a socialised form of care. You can donate to research on Alzheimer’s or nursing homes providing sustenance to them. You can even raise awareness about the plight of people suffering from Alzheimer’s or those giving care.


Filaantro is one such platform that raises money for Alzheimer’s treatment, nursing homes and research for Alzheimer’s. If you are looking to raise money for any of these, feel free to reach out. 

 AUTHOR: Adil Sayyad

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