Self-Love Month: Commit to Preserving Yourself

Self-Love Month: Commit to Preserving Yourself

Between 1661 and 1675, Baruch Spinoza, a Portuguese-Jewish philosopher, in his book Ethics said “[t]he striving to preserve oneself is the first and only foundation of virtue'”. With this Spinoza doesn’t argue for indulgence in hedonistic pursuits, but is rationalizing the want for self-improvement. 


He adds “the more each one seeks his own advantage, and strives to preserve himself, the more he is endowed with virtue, or what is the same, the greater is his power of acting according to the laws of his own nature, that is, of living from the guidance of reason.” Meaning that humans can only be virtuous if they are fully self-preserved.


This was further emphasized by Black political movements in the 20th century, where Black movements called for self-reliance and self-determination more than integration. In 1966, Stokely Carmichael demanded the cultural, political, and economic power to strengthen black communities so they could determine their own futures rather than settle for legal rights and integration into white society.


All these laid the foundation for the modern trend of self-love and self-reliance. January is celebrated as Self-Love month. It is a month to invest in your growth whether it be personal, professional, psychological or spiritual.


In this article, we will be looking at some ways you can practice self-love.


  1. Know Yourself


Knowing Yourself Filaantro


Aristotle said ‘Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom’. You can only be the best version of yourself if you know what drives you from deep within. Trying a new hobby is one of the best ways to know who you are. You will find out something that you never knew about yourself. Travelling solo, without the burden of pleasing others, is also another way of learning about how you fulfil yourself deep within. 


  1. Build Routines to Develop Yourself


Journaling Self Care Routine Filaantro


There are three types of hobbies that you should have:

  1. Hobbies that keep you creative
  2. Hobbies that keep you in shape
  3. Hobbies that build your knowledge


Preparing a plan to indulge in these kinds of hobbies is one of the best ways to practice self-love. It is building habits that support your well-being. These practices cultivate your physical, emotional, and mental health. These habits can range from daily lifestyle changes to lifelong commitments. Remember to pick and choose what suits you the best.


3. Stop Being Mean to Yourself


Forgiving Yourself Filaantro


We all believe in practising kindness and treating others well. But when it comes to our own self, we are quick to bully and demean. Keep reminding yourself to treat yourself with the same amount of compassion and empathy that you would exercise towards others. Start by accepting that everyone makes mistakes and hurdles are a natural part of human experience. Also remember that you deserve dignity and respect, just like every other human being. 


  1. Own Your Uniqueness


Embracing Your Uniqueness


The revolution starts with your own self. Dismantling norms and societal expectations is only possible when people start embracing their uniqueness. Express yourselves through your style, writing and artistic endeavours. Get involved in causes you are passionate about and create art which fulfils you creatively. 


  1. Accept Compliments


Accept Compliments Filaantro


We have been taught that looking for attention is a bad thing. But is it a bad thing or just a norm that we have all accepted? There are times when you want to hear good things about yourself, and there is nothing morally bad or wrong about that. Hearing compliments is good for your self-esteem or self-affirmation. When you learn to intake compliments, you will naturally be endowed with a positive outlook on life.


Filaantro, along with its crowdfunding partner Child Help Foundation, regularly conducts mental health sessions to educate people about taking care of their mental health.


Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Make sure to share this blog with all your friends and family members. 


AUTHOR: Adil Sayyad


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