Quit India Day: Celebrating India’s Victorious Stand Against Colonialism

Quit India Day: Celebrating India’s Victorious Stand Against Colonialism

The world was engaging in one of the most brutal, if not the most brutal, war in history. Being the subject of the imperial British government, India found itself in the crosshairs of World War II. On 8th August, 1942, Mahatma Gandhi a call to Do or Die in his Quit India speech delivered in Bombay (now Mumbai). 


While the actions of Indian Congress leaders were swift, so were those of the British Empire who quickly jailed the Indian leaders. But after being subject to more than a century of British rule, the reaction of the masses became more and more severe. Fears vanished from the population and everyone had only one resolve, Indian independence.


Within 5 years of the launch, India finally got to see its independence on 15th August, 1947. To celebrate those who have participated in Quit India, Quit India Day is celebrated on 8th August annually. 


Quit India Day is more than a day of honouring freedom fighters. It is a day to remember the resistance of people participating in nationwide civil unrest, the fruits of which we still enjoy.


Tribal People of India


Even though India is free, our problems are still not history. Quit India reminds us of the power that lies within the collective movement, that powers-that-be cannot ignore. Even today in India, marginalised groups face discrimination and many tribal groups do not get to enjoy the fruits of our progress. Transgenders still face discrimination in terms of education and employment. 


Our collective action is needed to improve their conditions. We need to use the material conditions and privileges that we enjoy to help those who suffer from poverty and economic hardship.


Remember fighting for the downtrodden is not only a movement but it is the continuation of our freedom fighters’ legacy. Independence freed us from colonial rule, but the motive of the independence was not only to free us from the British regime but also from the colonial mindset.


Filaantro, along with its crowdfunding partner Child Help Foundation, continues to fight for tribal rights and transgender. Through the collective action of our volunteers, we have made a positive impact in the lives of 48,45,101 people.


Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Make sure to share it with all your friends and family members. 


AUTHOR: Adil Sayyad


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