Practice Mindfulness on World Human Spirit Day

Practice Mindfulness on World Human Spirit Day

Started in 2003 by Michael Levy, (an author, philosopher and lecturer) World Human Spirit Day is celebrated to promote the human spirit that lives a creative, peaceful, and loving life. Every February 17th, People from all over the world celebrate World Human Spirit Day. This day aims to encourage the belief that peace and tranquility are necessary to escape from a pressure-based society. It is strongly encouraged to practice meditation to avoid our habit of pressurizing ourselves and promote mindfulness. According to Oxford Dictionary, mindfulness is a mental state achieved by concentrating on the present moment, while calmly accepting the feelings and thoughts that come to you, used as a technique to help you relax


This day also recognizes that our knowledge of the world is limited. So, we should reflect on our achievements and stay content. Michael Levy wants to strengthen our connection with our spiritual self, to stay grounded amongst the hustle and bustle of the world. It is a day to search for our contentment within our soul and to be satisfied with the answer that we will not always have the answer. Having such a mindset is great for our mental health and well-being in our lives.


So, here are five ways you can practice mindfulness on this World Human Spirit Day:


1.Practice Gratitude


Being thankful for what you have achieved in life is one of the best ways to practice mindfulness. It promotes positive thinking and makes you feel good about yourself. It is a healthy practice which will make you avoid getting anxious about the future or regretting the past. If we are more positive about ourselves, we are more likely to create a positive future for ourselves.


2.Listen to your body


Our moods and emotions can be affected by what we have on our plates. Food with high sugar intake can cause oxidative stress. It can also lead to depression. Diets with vegetables, fruits, unprocessed grains, and fish and seafood, and containing only modest amounts of lean meats and dairy, are strongly recommended to promote a healthy body, which would further lead to a healthy mind. 


3.Sit back and observe your surroundings.


This is one of the best ways you can relax your mind. Take a break from your work and go to a place with a lot of people, preferably a garden or a beach. Instead of thinking about your work, take a deep breath and observe the ‘passing of time.’ Focus on the traffic, and the people walking by, and notice the details on the dog or flower. Let the breeze hit your face, and allow this moment to soak in. 


Getting Lost in Fictional Worlds Filaantro



4.Get Lost in Fictional Worlds


Have you ever found yourself completely lost in the vivid images that have been painted by texts in a book? The smell, the taste, and the emotions a character goes through is enough to calm our minds. It transports you to another world and fuels your creativity and imagination. Thus, the habit of reading fictional books becomes a great way to achieve mental peace. Speaking of books………


5.Pursue your hobby


Take time to finish the painting that has been left unfinished, or brush up on your cooking skills by trying out the new cuisine you have been wanting. While a layman might call these a ‘waste of time’, it is great for your overall well-being. It is effective in reducing stress and releasing creative juices in your brain. 


So, let’s take a day to look after ourselves and always remember to forgive ourselves for the mistakes we have made. 




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