National Nutrition Week: Essentials You Must Include in Your Diet

National Nutrition Week: Essentials You Must Include in Your Diet

Food is one of the essential components of our life. It is considered a basic human right, as everyone, rich and poor cannot survive without food. It is said that without food, a person can only survive for 2-3 months


However, eating is not enough to have a healthy life. In order to increase your lifespan, it is essential to inculcate a diet plan that consists of vital nutrients. One must eat healthily to be free from diseases.


To raise awareness about the importance of nutrients, September 1-7 is celebrated as ‘National Nutrition Week’. This week was established by American Dietetic Association (ADA), now known as Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in 1973. National Nutrition Week was first introduced to India in 1982.


The theme for this year is “Healthy Diet Gawing Affordable for All”. The theme stresses on making nutritious food accessible to all regardless of socio-economic status. It emphasizes the idea that a healthy diet should not be a privilege but a fundamental right that everyone can enjoy. 


According to the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) 2019-21, India has seen little to no improvement in health and nutrition status among the general populace. The study said that 7.7% of children are severely wasted, 19.3% are wasted, 3.4% of children are overweight and 35.5% are stunted. Similar disturbing statistics were found among the adult population. 24% of adult women were found to be obese, while the obesity rate in men was 22.9%.


This comes as a shock and makes you wonder ‘Are we going through a health crisis?’ To stop any future diseases, we must strive for a healthy body. In this blog piece, we are going to detail some advice on how we can achieve better health through diet.


  1. Protein

Protein Sources Filaantro


While one might be sick of hearing gym bros talk about protein all the time, they are actually right. Protein is one of the most vital aspects of our body. They are considered to be ‘the building blocks of life’. About 16% of body weight is due to protein. It is vital for growth, health, and body maintenance. 


Foods Rich in Protein: Eggs, Meat, Lentis, Cottage Cheese (Paneer), Milk and Chickpeas (Chana)



Carbohydrates Sources Filaantro


According to Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 45 to 60 per cent of daily calories should come from carbohydrates.  They act as fuel for the human body, driving up our energy levels, helping control blood glucose and insulin metabolism, participating in cholesterol and triglyceride metabolism, and helping with fermentation.


Foods Rich in Carbohydrates: Sweet Potatoes, Brown Rice, Beans, Bread, Fruits, and Kidney Beans (Rajma).



Fats Sources Filaantro


Fats might be infamous when it comes to dietary habits. But don’t let that fool you, because fats are important and support functions such as vitamin and mineral absorption, blood clotting, building cells, and muscle movement.  World Health Organization (WHO) suggests to keep fats under 30 per cent of your calories.


Foods Rich in Fats: Vegetable oils (such as olive, canola, sunflower, soy, and corn), Nuts, Seeds, Fish, and Butter.



 Vitamins Sources Filaantro


A lack of Vitamins can cause severe problems in our body, as it plays a role in maintaining our vision, skin, and bones. They can also boost your immune system and lower the risk of lung and prostate cancer. 


Foods Rich in Vitamins: Spinach, Carrots, Liver, Broccoli, and Tomatoes



Minerals Sources Filaantro


Strong bones and teeth, regulation of metabolism, and hydration are all thanks to minerals present in our body. There are different kinds of minerals, some of which are calcium, iron, and zinc.


Foods Rich in Minerals: Cereals, Bread, Fruits, Meat and Dairy Nuts.


Filaantro realises the importance of nutrients in our lives. Along with our partner, Child Help Foundation, we have conducted numerous food distribution drives. To date, we have fed over 20,01,457 people through Zero Hunger Programme. You can also raise funds for conducting distribution drives on Filaantro.


Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Make sure to share it with all your friends and family members.


AUTHOR: Adil Sayyad


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