Melanoma BRAF Awareness Day: Signs and Treatment

Melanoma BRAF Awareness Day: Signs and Treatment

26th May is annually celebrated as Melanoma BRAF Awareness Day. It was started by Melanoma UK, an organisation dedicated to raising awareness about Melanoma and supporting patients dealing with it. 

According to National Cancer Institute, Melanoma is “Melanoma is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in melanocytes (cells that colour the skin).” 


Meanwhile BRAF according to Aim at Melanoma Foundation is “a gene that tells your cells how to grow. A BRAF mutation is a change in a BRAF gene. That change in the gene can lead to an alteration in a protein that regulates cell growth that could allow the melanoma to grow more aggressively. Approximately half of melanomas carry this mutation and are referred to as mutated, or BRAF positive. Melanomas that do not carry the mutation are referred to as wild-type or BRAF-negative melanomas.”


The primary objective of this day is to increase awareness of Melanoma and its prevention through advocacy, education and research. Other objectives include supporting conversations between patients and doctors, giving voice to people diagnosed with Melanoma and empowering patients through information. 


Melanoma is one of the most serious types of skin cancer. As per GLOBOCAN 2020, Melanoma is the 32nd most common type of cancer in India and saw 3,916 cases, out of which 2,296 met their demise. 


However, knowing that you have Melanoma is the first step in preventing harm from the deadly disease. So here are some symptoms of Melanoma:


Cancerous Moles Filaantro


Often, the first signs of melanomas are a change in the size of moles appearing on your body and/or the development of a new pigment or unusual growth on your skin.  They can develop anywhere on your body but are usually found in areas exposed to the sun. In people with darker skin tones, Melanomas can be expected to develop in areas like the soles of the feet, the palm of your hands, or fingernail beds, but that is not always the case. 


Moles with asymmetrical shapes, irregular borders, uneven distribution of colours, changing diameters, or regularly evolving are often associated with Melanoma. So it is often recommended to consult a doctor when you see a change in any of the moles appearing on your body.  Swollen, Itchy, Sore, Crusty or Bleeding moles are also signs of Melanoma. 


If you are facing difficulties in your finances, there are various NGOs you can approach for monetary assistance. Here are some of the NGOs currently operating in India for cancer patients. 


Melanoma can be deadly and dangerous. Hence, it is necessary to raise awareness about this disease. Especially in India, where there is a lack of awareness when it comes to skin diseases. So, Please share this article with your friends and family. Patients can also start fundraising pages on Child Help Foundation and Filaantro.  


Thank you for reading this article and we hope that you have found a new perspective when it comes to skin cancer


Author: Adil Sayyad


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