Love of Giving: How Philanthropy Paves the Way for a Better Society

Love of Giving: How Philanthropy Paves the Way for a Better Society

In layman's terms, philanthropy involves giving back to society and empowering the poor. This involves donating to help a poor person get medical treatment or making sure that a child gets a full plate meal before they go to sleep at night.


Many vulnerable people rely on daily welfare to go throughout their day. But is philanthropy really that important? Most Indians still live below the poverty line with even food becoming a struggle. When they get hit by a crisis, like medical treatment, their sustenance becomes difficult.


One might rebuke saying that ‘these people should not get into trouble in the first place’, but they often ignore that crisis is an inevitable part of life in our current system. These people need our help so they can survive these conditions. 


For example, a daily wage worker earning Rs 300 per day, doesn’t have much savings as most of their daily income gets spent on food. So, when they need to pay for medical treatment, they often feel helpless. If we take care of their medical needs, they can easily live through the day.


However, philanthropy doesn’t end at poverty pity, it can also be a fuel for greater social change. Unfortunately, even today there are vulnerable groups discriminated against based on caste, religion, gender, sex, race, ethnicity and class.


Donating to Support Marginalized Groups


There are various groups fighting for real social change, but these groups are often underfunded. You can make a donation to help so they can not only carry out their activities but one day make a real difference in society.


You can also make sure that issues you are passionate about get discussed in society. For example, gender dysphoria and transgenderness are still buried with myths and misunderstandings. Due to ignorance, many people dismiss transgenderness as ‘something which really doesn’t exist’. 


By funding academics and making donations to people trying to fight for trans rights, you can make sure that your thoughts get reflected in the broader society. 


However philanthropy doesn’t need to end at monetary means, if you are not financially capable enough, you can still give back to society. Many NGOs and activist groups are often on the lookout for volunteers. You can devote your free time to provide an extra hand to these groups, whether it be cleaning the beach or being an extra member at a protest.


Child Help Foundation and Filaantro are some of the groups fighting for a change in society. The website of Filaantro often hosts fundraisers for people looking to get funds for medical treatment, education and NGOs. The same goes for Child Help Foundation. We also welcome volunteers for our beach cleaning activities and other programmes. 


Through donations and volunteers, Child Help Foundation and Filaantro have managed to save 48,45,101 people with all of their programmes. You can help to increase this number by making a donation or volunteering for us. 


AUTHOR: Adil Sayyad


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