International Youth Day

International Youth Day

International Youth Day, often known as World Youth Day, is one of the awareness days observed on August 12th. This day is observed to highlight the significance and hard work of the youth, as well as to call attention to the cultural and legal concerns that our children face. International Youth Day is one of the most significant days for promoting various ways to engage the young people in our community in order to be more responsible for our society.

The globe has been (and will continue to be) confronted with numerous changes and problems. Let us focus on some of the most significant ones: conflicts (Syria, Afghanistan), pandemics (globally), humanitarian charities (globally - primarily in Africa), political unrest, and natural catastrophes (earthquakes – Mexico, Turkey, Albania, Indonesia.)

According to the United Nations, the goal of International Youth Day 2022 is to spread the idea that all generations must work together to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and leave no one behind. It also aims to increase awareness about specific impediments to intergenerational solidarity, such as ageism, which affects both young and elderly people while having a negative influence on society as a whole.

Ageism is a pernicious and frequently neglected issue in health, human rights, and development that affects both older and younger populations worldwide. Furthermore, ageism frequently overlaps with other types of bias (such as racism and sexism) and affects people in ways that hinder them from reaching their full potential and contributing fully to their community.


This year's International Youth Day has the topic "Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health." The goal is to emphasise that the success of such a worldwide endeavour would not be possible without the active engagement of young people.

We recognise the need for inclusive support structures to guarantee that kids continue to participate and volunteer individually or collectively to repair the world. It also emphasises the need of incorporating biodiversity into the transformation of food systems. The population continues to grow, and it is possible that it may reach 2 billion in the next 30 years. It is understood that merely producing more food in a more sustainable manner would not secure human and planetary well-being. Poverty alleviation, social inclusion, healthcare, biodiversity protection, and climate change mitigation are all critical problems.

According to the United Nations Global Identify on Ageism, which was released in March 2021, despite a paucity of study, young people continue to report age-related impediments in numerous areas of their lives such as work, political involvement, health, and justice. Intergenerational interventions are also identified as one of the three major techniques to combat ageism in the study. Intergenerational activities can also foster a stronger feeling of social connectivity and intergenerational solidarity.

Solidarity among generations is essential for long-term development. As we enter the third year of the COVID-19 epidemic, it is critical to understand and overcome these age-related hurdles in order to "build back better" by using the skills and experience of all generations.


Why does today’s youth need to be educated?

Education is a life-changing factor: Education for the youth is the vehicle through which they may quench their hunger for fulfilling their potential. As crucial members of society, adolescents should be provided with the greatest possible education and assisted with favourable conditions to be an asset to the community and participate actively in its growth via the attainment of their talents. In today's globalised and knowledge-based world, every young person should be given the chance to contribute to society while reaching their full potential.



As per United Nations, worldwide, 10.6% of young people are illiterate, lacking fundamental math and reading abilities, and so unable to earn a livelihood through full and decent employment. With youth unemployment and underemployment rates chronically high over the world, and many young working poor without even primary-level education, such rates of youth unemployment and underemployment undermine societal inclusion, cohesiveness, and stability.

Education policies, curriculum, and training programmes must be people-centred and aligned with national development objectives and needs, international development initiatives, and labour market requirements. This will improve the status of young people, combat severe poverty, and maximise the benefits of globalisation for youth.

Youth growth is hampered by the ongoing gender disparity in schooling. Gender disparity in education is defined by a lack of access to and availability of gender-sensitive educational infrastructure, resources, and training programmes, as well as a high dropout rate among females in secondary school.


Youth of Today, Leaders of Tomorrow: Today's young are students, but tomorrow they will either lead or instruct. Education is a "give-and-take" process and transaction. Education for all aspects of life is passed down from generation to generation. So, if the current generation is properly educated and instructed, the next generation will undoubtedly be even more educated and instructed. Youth should be adequately educated since they will assume leadership and larger duties in the future. They will be the leaders of tomorrow's society and country.

Start your crowdfunding campaign to full fill the dreams of the next generation or sponsor their dream careers. Donate to inspire the youth’s entrepreneurship skills. Be the change that you want to see tomorrow.

“The power of youth is the common wealth for the entire world. The faces of young people are the faces of our past, our present and our future. No segment in the society can match with the power, idealism, enthusiasm and courage of the young people”.

-Kailash Satyarthi


Author: Lubdha Dhanopia

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