International Yoga Day: Benefits of the Ancient Practice

International Yoga Day: Benefits of the Ancient Practice

June 21 is annually celebrated as International Yoga Day, which is a United Nations-designated day. Yoga has been one of the important cultural exports from India. It was introduced on the global stage due to the works of important Indian yoga practitioners like Swami Vivekananda, B.K.S. Iyengar and Swami Kripalvananda.


Yoga Day in Seoul Filaantro


However, it was due to the efforts in 2014 when International Yoga Day became an official thing when the whole world adopted it. On June 21, 2015, the first International Yoga Day was celebrated in cities like New York, Paris, Beijing, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Seoul and New Delhi.


In this article, we are going to talk about some of the health benefits of Yoga and how it makes your life better.


  1. Improves strength, balance and flexibility.


Gentle movements of Yoga combined with deep breathing enhance circulation and prepare muscles, whereas maintaining a pose can promote muscle strength development.


  1. Helps with back pain relief


Yoga is equally effective as simple stretching in alleviating pain and enhancing mobility among individuals suffering from lower back pain. The American College of Physicians advocates for yoga as an initial treatment option for chronic low back pain.


  1. Can ease arthritis symptoms

According to a Johns Hopkins review of 11 recent studies, gentle yoga has demonstrated the ability to alleviate discomfort in tender, swollen joints for individuals with arthritis.


  1. Benefits cardiac health


Consistent yoga practice has been linked to lower stress levels and reduced body-wide inflammation, potentially promoting heart health. Yoga addresses factors associated with heart disease such as high blood pressure and excessive weight, offering additional benefits in managing these conditions.


  1. Helps you sleep better


Studies indicate that maintaining a regular bedtime yoga routine can foster a relaxed mental state and prepare your body to achieve and sustain sleep.


  1. More energy and brighter moods


Establishing a routine of practising yoga may lead to heightened mental and physical energy, increased alertness and enthusiasm, as well as a reduction in negative emotions.


  1. Helps you manage stress


The National Institutes of Health reports that scientific evidence supports the benefits of yoga for stress management, mental health, mindfulness, healthy eating, weight loss, and improving sleep quality.


  1. Connects you with a supportive community


Engaging in yoga classes can alleviate feelings of loneliness by fostering a supportive environment for group healing and mutual encouragement. Even in one-on-one sessions, individuals experience a reduction in loneliness through personalized attention, active listening, and collaborative development of a tailored yoga regimen.


  1. Reduces anxiety


Multiple studies indicate that yoga asanas (postures) may serve as a viable alternative treatment for anxiety disorders, although researchers emphasize the need for further replicated studies to confirm these findings conclusively.


Yoga Nidra, a form of guided meditation and body scan, has demonstrated conclusive evidence in reducing symptoms of anxiety.


Filaantro, along with Child Help Foundation, has been teaching the benefits of Yoga to its students in Ashram Schools. International Yoga Day is celebrated annually in each school.


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AUTHOR: Adil Sayyad


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