Crowdfunding plays an important role in Calamity relief

Crowdfunding plays an important role in Calamity relief

2020 was a realization of the coming future, where the world was trying to heal from a deadly spreading pandemic and natural disasters. Many lives have been  lost in the disasters and this pandemic, the daily livelihood earnings of the poor were completely cut off which added to the fatality rate in all the countries over the world. People were isolated in their homes and were waiting for things to get normal. In the midst of all these resting, working from home, working on hobbies, enjoying time with families, some people were facing hardships from the COVID along with natural calamities. Some people were dying because of hunger and stress and many homes were uprooted by the natural calamities. Some of the best crowdfunding platforms came together and tried to support and help those who were in need.


Uttarakhand disaster: Glacier burst caused floods resulting in loss of lives and massive destructions 


On Sunday, the 7th of February 2021, a huge part of a glacier burst in the Dhauli Ganga, Rishi Ganga and Alaknanda rivers, triggering large-scale devastation in the high mountain areas. This created a massive stream of water, mud and rocks downstream which killed around 15 people and more than 169 people went missing. Search and rescue missions are still on since the tragedy occurred. The Chamoli situation appeared nine years after the Kedarnath burst flood disaster of 2013, in the Rudraprayag part of the state.


Although it will be considered sometime before experts and officials can determine the cause of the incident, the current event it implies that the Chamoli event could be a repeat of the Kedarnath flood – especially in terms of deaths, human distress, destruction of foundations and the economic consequences.  


The 2013 massive flood was the event of an unexpected, unforeseen, severe and untimely cloud burst linked with a glacial dam -breach, ending in the death of more than 5,000 people and the suffering of thousands more along with the destruction of the state in terms of economy, houses and industries. 


After the disaster struck on Sunday, the biggest rescue work was on tunnels, where 37 workers happened to be trapped. Various agencies worked collectively for hours and through the night to clear a way into the tunnel. The external forces are trying to save the trapped and find the missing and give hope to all the people living in the region.


- Floods

Floods are the most common and one of the biggest causes of natural disaster in India. Floods lead to the destruction of lives and construction, along with causing stress to those who have survived the unwarned heavy rainfall.




- Assam flood

The Assam flood was one the incidents that caused distress to the victims of the floods. These people had to survive the after-effects of floods along with the ongoing pandemic. Assam, with its large chain of rivers bodies, is liable to natural disasters like floods and weathering which hurts the overall development of the state. The Brahmaputra and Barak River with more than 50 numbers of streams supporting them, cause the flood devastation in the monsoon season almost every year.

Assam needed immediate attention. Floods had knocked down Assam claiming more than 70 lives and relocated nearly 70 lakh people in 26 districts of the state. The situation required immediate need of medical amenities along with the survival kits.

The quick-rising water level had also flooded the "Kaziranga National Park". where nine rhinos  died and over 100 other animals have been killed. The Floods had widely destroyed the homes, farmlands, schools, bridges, and road links across Assam. Lakhs of people were affected and thousands of families  made to take refuge in schools, roadways, and temporary relief camps. Families  relocated and were under critical situations coupled with Covid19 problems. With some of the best crowdfunding platforms, money and survival kits were arranged for the stranded people. People from all over the world came together to raise funds for a cause that helped in saving the lives of the distress.




Coronaviruses are a big family of viruses that cause sickness altering from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).


It is a deadly virus for individuals with low immunity. When it comes to a pandemic like a COVID19 outbreak, the poor are even more outmatched than other people with means. They cannot manage to stock up on food and medicines which means they must go out more regularly to stores, increasing their exposure and risking their life along with their families. Along with this exposure, they need to manage the funds for the daily livelihoods. That was the most difficult time for the daily workers who used to earn on a daily basis and even if they have office jobs, they were unlikely to be able to work from home and most of them were terminated from their work due to the financial crisis.


In India, millions of migrant labourers were left unemployed and homeless overnight after the government announced a lockdown last year in March 2020. Many were stuck at the location far from their family, children, and home. With no roof on their head, nowhere to go, 


nothing to eat. They were living like a person who is stranded on empty land and left to fight the unseen fight. The financial crash waves are still present even after the vaccines are introduced. Governments are finding it challenging to spend heavily on programs to improve education and provide health care. Crowdfunding plays an important role in improving the schooling system and providing equal rights to underprivileged children. Raising funds online in one of the best in this tech - era to support the needy and the underprivileged.


- What is Crowdfunding?


Crowdfunding is a means of raising money with the help of a large number of people, usually, these people are public or individuals, who can donate, invest in projects, causes or help towards something or someone in need.  

Traditionally, helping the underprivileged, providing education to the poor children, constructing industries for the tribals or supporting patients who cannot pay their own medical expenses and many more  causes can be supported on crowdfunding platforms.


Supporting a business, project or enterprise involved inviting a few people for large sums of money. Crowdfunding switches this idea around, using the platform to talk and present their idea to thousands – if not millions – of potential funders and donors.


Some best fundraising platforms integrate social media with the cause to gain more crowds that can raise more money for the particular cause. Social media, alongside traditional networks of friends, family and work acquaintances, will work as an advantage to raise money.


- How does it help?


- By initiating an online crowdfunding campaign, you present your idea in the best way which will benefit your cause. Without the fear of standing on stage and presenting your idea and spoiling your presentation of the best idea, you can present it online without the fear.

- Social Media can be used for marketing and building a reach in the community gaining more funders towards the cause.

- There are no obstacles or tests or barriers that will stop your idea from reaching out to the public or creating a difference. You can validate the idea and present the best.

- One of the best things about online crowdfunding is its ability to organise and streamline your fundraising efforts.

- It is a fast way to raise money with no upfront fees.

- Sharing your idea, plans or cause, can often get feedback and expert guidance on how to improve it.

- It is a great way to examine the public's reaction to your product/idea/cause.

- If people are interested to invest or donate, it is a good sign that your idea could work well in the market or is a good cause to follow.

- Investors/ Donors can track your progress - this may help you to promote your brand/ cause through their networks.

- It's an alternative finance option if you have struggled to get bank loans or traditional funding

- It helps in saving the lives of the underprivileged who are unable to fund themselves in the moment of crisis.


With the help of crowdfunding, lives can be saved, homes can be built, kids can learn, the future can change for a better tomorrow and dreams can be accomplished.


Author : Lubdha Dhanopia

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