Crowdfunding for Preterm Babies

Crowdfunding for Preterm Babies

Becoming parents is an unworldly feeling that most couples wish to experience. The excitement that the entire household experiences when the news breaks that a couple is expecting a baby or babies is unmatched. Then starts the journey of taking utmost care of the mother, her nutrition, her fitness, mental health and of course, her cravings! No matter whatever is the financial situation in a household is, everyone tries their best to keep the expecting mother and the baby safe and healthy. Amidst all this excitement and care, it is most significant to have regular check-ups and ultrasound scans


What you get to know through these ultrasound scans is to evaluate the infant's growth, determine whether multiple pregnancies are present, and detect any anomalies. Although the ultrasound scan is not 100% accurate, it has the advantages of being non-invasive, painless, and safe for both the mother and the unborn child. It helps to take important decisions within the time that can save a mother’s life as well. 


But unfortunately, there are times, when despite everything going smoothly with an expecting mother’s pregnancy, certain complications take place and in order to keep both the mother and the baby safe, a premature delivery occurs. Preterm babies, often have complex health problems, especially those who are delivered very early. Prematurity-related problems often differ.


The newborn may have very minor signs of prematurity or more pronounced difficulties.


Prematurity can show itself in the following ways:


  • Short size, with an oversized head that is not proportional to it Sharper-looking, less rounded features than those of a full-term baby because of a lack of fat reserves
  • Lanugo, fine hair covering most of the body
  • Low body temperature is brought on by a lack of body fat reserves, especially right after birth in the delivery room.
  • Breathing that is laboured or respiratory discomfort
  • Feeding issues result from a lack of swallowing and sucking reflexes.


A premature baby will require a longer hospital stay in a dedicated nursery unit at the hospital if you birth a premature baby. The newborn may be admitted to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or an intermediate care nursery, depending on the level of care needed.


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A prolonged NICU stay increases the preterm baby's survival chances. Two-thirds of babies born at 24 weeks gestation who are admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) survive and go home. Ninety-eight per cent of babies born at 30 weeks gestation, survive. 


Though NICU treatment is accessible and practical, it is proved to be expensive for some people. At such times, what most Indian couples do is, mortgage or sell their ancestral property or belongings and are found to be in debt later. Now that the world is expanding, you can find ways to fund even prolonged expensive medical treatments. 


Crowdfunding for Preterm Babies

Crowdfunding is the practice of raising money through a large number of individuals or organisations for a particular goal or a charitable cause. The idea behind it is that obtaining comparatively little from a large number of people is simpler than getting very large investments from a small number of people. 


Now that we have discovered a way to fundraise for preterm babies, let us look at the fundamentals of crowdfunding that can assure the success of the fundraiser.


1. Set a goal amount

Every successful fundraising effort has a fundamental strategy behind it, and we're here to assist you in selecting your goals for your campaign. Starting with a goal amount is the first step. As with any medical operation, it's crucial to consider the procedure's price as well as all the smaller costs that can pile up, such as any unpaid time off from work, pricey drugs, transportation, copays, etc.


2. Be honest with the pitch

Even if you may believe that your friends and relatives already know your story, doing so effectively can have a significant impact on your fundraising efforts. Share your own experiences, use images and videos, and tell your tale honestly and plainly on your fundraising page. You are inviting your fans to participate in this story. For further advice on fundraising storytelling, see this page.


Crowdfunding Preterm babies Filaantro


3. Share it on social media

Your fundraising story may be shared with family, friends, friends of friends, and even compassionate strangers worldwide thanks to the power of social networks. Ask friends and relatives to share the link to your social media fundraising fundraiser when you post it. Create a hashtag for your fundraising that will make it easier for people to follow your trip in order to give it your own unique spin. You might even think about starting a blog to document your journey. 


4. Update your supporters

Regular updates must be posted. It assists in updating supporters and demonstrates to new donors the possible impact of their gift. Display your appreciation. Share uplifting words. Maintaining their interest will increase their likelihood of making additional donations or sharing your story with their social networks. 


5. Thank your donors

There are several best practices and standards for thanking people who donate to a cause in the fundraising sector, and it's not just about being polite. Since the cause is yours in this instance, familiarise yourself with our helpful primer on expressing gratitude to supporters.


With crowdfunding, all of your goals can be achieved, and with the power of social media, it is bound to happen. Filaantro is a reliable crowdfunding platform that raises funds for every genuine cause that one believes in. With the user-friendly interface, easy withdrawals, social media promotions and tax benefits, Filaantro makes the fundraising experience an easy and transparent journey. 

Visit us at to know more


Author: Anjali Patel



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