Children’s Art Week 2024: How Art Helps in Growth and Development

Children’s Art Week 2024: How Art Helps in Growth and Development

From June 29, 2024, Children’s Art Week will commence which lasts three weeks, which means the event will end on July 19. The week was started by Engage to encourage children to pursue art or practice it in their daily lives. 


Throughout the celebration, children gather in large numbers at schools, museums and parks to let their imaginations flourish. While the common perception of art is painting and drawing, that is not what merely counts as art. Art can be defined as the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.” So this can include poems, essays, paintings, films, music and stories. 


In this blog post, we will talk about why you should encourage your child to pursue art, be it a career or a mere pastime. 


The most obvious benefit of art is enhancing the creativity and imagination of a child. Spending time creating beautiful works of art like music, drawing or writing requires you to think creatively and explore your imagination. This increases the child’s ability to think outside the box. 



Children generally don’t have the capability of properly expressing their emotions. Art can help them to express their emotions non-verbally through the use of colours, shapes and sizes. It also allows them to freely express their emotions without the fear of being misunderstood. As one creates art, one also explores themselves, resulting in greater self-awareness.


A child’s motor skills can also be fine-tuned due to art. Art requires movement of limbs and excellent hand-eye coordination. This is extremely important for their development and growth.


When one achieves or makes strides in arts, it increases their self-esteem and confidence. This confidence then carries on into other areas of life like academics, sports or life in general.


If your child is participating in an art group activity, they might have to communicate with others. This can help to grow their communication skills, speaking skills, team building and leadership skills. It is also a great opportunity to make friends with similar interests.


Above all, art is a great way to spend your leisure time doing something fun and relaxing, but growing at the same time. It offers them a break from academic pressures and stress for success.


Filaantro acknowledges the value of art and encourages students to pursue art. With the help of Child Help Foundation, Filaantro has conducted numerous Balmelas and other activities to encourage students to develop their artistic skills.


Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Make sure to share it with all your friends and family members to help them understand the value of art. 

AUTHOR: Adil Sayyad

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