Child Sexual Abuse: Resources for Parents and Survivors

Child Sexual Abuse: Resources for Parents and Survivors

It is a depressing environment we live in. Every day while scrolling through social media, one comes across at least one child sexual abuse case a day. The year 2021, recorded a staggering 53,874 cases, which brings the daily average to 147. 


Observing the disturbing trend of child sexual abuse, The Government of India passed the Protection of Children Against Sexual Offences Bill (POCSO) in 2012, which provides a legal framework for the protection of children from offences of sexual assault, sexual harassment and pornography, while safeguarding the interest of the child at every stage of the judicial process. 


To combat sexual assault cases, National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSRC), an American Non-Profit Organization, organises Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month in April annually. They provide resources, graphics and tools needed to hold such an event.


While NSRC provides resources for the American population, we, at Filaantro, have decided to take inspiration from them and provide resources for our Indian children. These resources would deal with healing from sexual assault, prevention programmes, helpline numbers etc.


Helpline Number


Child Helpline International defines itself as a collective impact organization with 159 members from 135 countries and territories around the world. They have helpline numbers for numerous countries across the globe. The helpline number for India is 1098. They offer their services 24/7 and 365 days a year. They provide help within 60 minutes and work alongside police authorities, child protection boards, social workers and counsellors.


Education Programmes 


United Nations International Child Emergency Fund (UNICEF)’s Agora is a free global hub for learning. They have designed a course to educate children about sexual assault. The course will take about 180 minutes to complete, but it’s a treasure for knowledge for prevention and awareness of child sexual exploitation.


Post-Trauma Therapy 


Child Mental Health Care Filaantro



It is difficult for anyone to mentally recover from sexual assault, let alone a tender child. The stigma and fear that comes with sexual assault doesn't heal easily. Therapy or counselling can do wonders for a child in this scenario. Arpan is an NGO, which caters towards child sexual assault victims. They also provide support for a child’s mental health services and counselling sessions.


 A toll-free number which is available 24/7 has also been implemented by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. This initiative has been dubbed ‘Tele Manas’. Tele Manas’ helpline number is 14416, which is available in all states of our country.


Training for Parents and Adults


Children are one of the most vulnerable people in our society. So, it is our responsibility to look after them during a moment of crisis. A child might not be fit to explain their experience. At such a time, Adults should be well-trained to tackle the situation. 


Arpan has curated a facilitators course for teachers and parents. The course is only five minutes long and comes with a caregivers’ handbook and FAQs. They also provide training kits that you can get by emailing them at or calling them on +91 22 2686 2444 / 2686 8444. 


Information about the Prevalence of Child Sexual Abuse


Child Sexual Abuse is often downplayed as something that happens rarely. However, that is far from the truth. Research compiled by TULIR, an NGO working solely for the prevention and healing of child sexual abuse, has revealed that about 42% of children have experienced some kind of sexual abuse, among other disturbing statistics. It is extremely important for such statistics to be known to the public, as it will strengthen the people’s resolve to find solutions for child sexual abuse.


We hope that our resource guideline has been helpful to you. Please share this article with your friends and family members, to make them aware of the resources available. 


Author: Adil Sayyad

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