For Rs.30, You Can Provide Him with Nutritious Meal

For Rs.30, You Can Provide Him with Nutritious Meal

For Rs.30, You Can Provide Him with Nutritious Meal

For Rs.30, You Can Provide Him with Nutritious Meal

For just 30 Rs, you can provide a nutritious meal to a hungry child, ensuring they have sustenance for the day. Child Help Foundation has partnered with ISKCON to provide nutritious meals to children in Palghar, Maharashtra. Your donation will directly impact those who face the harsh reality of going to bed hungry. Filaantro joins hands with Child Help Foundation to help them in their pursuit of their noble goal.

Together, we can alleviate hunger and prevent needless suffering. Every contribution counts, and every child deserves a chance to grow and succeed. Join us in our mission to create a world where no child has to endure the pain of an empty stomach. Donate now and be a part of the solution!

Child Help Foundation has been working for 13 years and works for the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals-3 (Good Health And Well-Being), 4 (Quality Education), 2 (Zero Hunger), 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), 5 (Gender Equality), 11,13 & 17 (Humanitarian Relief), 14 (Life Below Water), 15 (Life on Land), 8 & 10 (Village Development) and 17 (Partnership For The Goal).



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For Rs.30, You Can Provide Him with Nutritious Meal

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