Rare Disease Causes Grief in the Family, Please Save 7- Month-Old Naira
“2nd September 2022 was a bittersweet day for me. On the one hand, my daughter entered my world, but on the other hand, doctors told me that my daughter is suffering from an extremely rare disease. I have no way of paying for my daughter’s treatment. Please help my daughter to live a normal life.”-
Nahas Khan ; (Father)
Nahas and Fathimi were excited about the birth of their child. But little did they know that dread would be an unwelcomed guest in their lives. After the birth of Naira, doctors immediately told the parents that the young girl was suffering from ‘ Terminal lipomyelomeningocele’, a rare spinal defect that is found between 0.3 to 0.6 per 10,000 live births.
A lipomyelomeningocele is a large collection of fat cells. It is located in the spinal canal and extends out through the gap or opening in the vertebrae becoming visible under the skin on the child’s back. The baby’s day passes with pain and misery, and uses her voice as a cry for help.
According to the doctors at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre in Kerala, Naira needs a Spinal dysraphism major, Intraoperative monitoring 2 & Laminoplasty, which would cost Rs 4,05,000/- (Rupees Four Lakh Five Thousand Only).
The mere mention of the amount came as a cruel blow to Nahas, who works at a furniture show. His income is barely enough to feed his family of five. He has borrowed extensively from loved ones for help.
But he has run out of options and needs your help to save his daughter. Please donate for Naira’s treatment. Every single donation can go a long way in helping the little girl live a normal life.
How Can You Help?
-You can Donate to the Fundraiser
-You can share Naira’s story on Facebook and WhatsApp so that their story reaches to more people like you who will impact her life
-You can Volunteer to Raise Funds and save Naira’s life.
50% Tax Exemption under 80(G)
Kindly also share the fundraiser with your family and friends and help them to reach the goal. We will be grateful for your help!
Supporting Documents
Name | Donate Amount | Date |
2023-05-25 17:51:46
Naira had a successful surgery and is currently kept under Doctors Observation
2023-05-23 17:54:57
Naira had a successful surgery and is currently kept under Doctors Observation
2023-05-19 16:26:31
Naira Khan surgery has been confirmed on the 19th May