Help 14-Years-5-month-Old Lavanya Get a Life-Saving Stem Cell Transplant!
“Lavanya is a brilliant child, her teachers praise her, and we see her as a responsible and caring daughter. We are so blessed to have her as our daughter but never knew that fate had to show us these times. A year ago, we noticed that Lavanya was falling sick quite often. She seemed weak and used to stay in her bed most of the time. Worried, we took her to a local doctor, and he gave her medicines saying that it's a regular fever. But a few days later the same kept happening when we took her to the hospital. Several tests were done, and they revealed the most devastating news of my life. My daughter was diagnosed with a disease that I couldn't understand but only knew that her health was critical. Since then, we have been taking her to the hospital for blood transfusions, and she has to go through these hardships that I wish no other child has to go through.”-
Mrs. Radha ; (Mother)
Lavanya is the 14-Years-5-month-Old daughter of Mr. Gokari and Mrs. Radha. The family hails from Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Lavanya was diagnosed with Hermansky Pudlak syndrome in 2021. It is a rare, genetic, multisystem disorder that could lead to severe lung disease. Lavanya has to go for her regular blood transfusion cycles every 20 days. Her body is growing weaker day by day and she cannot live a regular childhood like many others her age. She is taking treatment at Rainbow Children's Hospital, Hyderabad. The doctors have proposed a Haplo- identical Stem cell Transplant for Lavanya. The estimated cost of the treatment is Rs. 16,00,000/- (Rupees Sixteen Lakhs Only).
“My husband is an auto-rickshaw driver, and he manages to earn a minimum income that barely supports our monthly expenses. Lavanya has only been seeing hospital beds for a year now. Her younger brother asks me when will his didi play with him like she used to? and I have no answers to give him as I myself don't know when she will be cured. I don't want to lose my daughter to this horrible disease. Please help us save our daughter.” -Mrs. Radha (Mother)
How Can You Help?
-You can Donate to the Fundraiser
-You can share Lavanya's story on Facebook and WhatsApp so that their story reaches to more people like you who will impact her life
-You can Volunteer to Raise Funds and save Lavanya's life.
50% Tax Exemption under 80(G)
Kindly also share the fundraiser with your family and friends and help them to reach the goal. We will be grateful for your help!
Supporting Documents
Name | Donate Amount | Date |
2023-03-30 10:28:48
Lavanya is doing good on medications possibility that she may not need a BMT. will be updated further.
2023-03-28 16:41:09
Lavanya is doing good on medications possibility that she may not need a BMT. will be updated further.
2023-03-23 16:33:02
Lavanya is doing good on medications possibility that she may not need a BMT. will be updated further.
2023-03-16 17:08:55
Lavanya surgery has been postponed to 2 months as shes currently not fit for the surgery,Has been provided with the needful Medication
2023-03-14 17:05:25
Lavanya surgery has been postponed to 2 months as shes currently not fit for the surgery,Has been provided with the needful Medication
2023-01-17 10:24:07
Lavanya has been called by her treating Doctor on the 20th Jan 2023, for her Medical follow ups.
2023-01-17 09:58:09
Lavanya has been called by her treating Doctor on the 20th Jan 2023, for her Medical follow ups.
2023-01-10 16:40:14
Lavanya has been called by her treating Doctor on the 20th Jan 2023, for her Medical follow ups.
2023-01-05 16:51:09
Lavanya has been called by her treating Doctor on the 20th Jan 2023, for her Medical follow ups.
2022-12-29 10:46:30
Lavanya has been called by her treating Doctor on the 20th Jan 2023, for her Medical follow ups.
2022-12-26 11:31:44
Lavanya has been called by her treating Doctor on the 26th Dec for her Medical follow ups.
2022-12-21 10:44:06
Lavanya has been called by her treating Doctor on the 26th Dec for her Medical follow ups.
2022-12-15 14:39:57
Lavanya has been called by her treating Doctor on the 16th Dec for her Medical follow ups.
2022-12-12 12:11:25
Lavanya has been called by her treating Doctor on the 16th Dec for her Medical follow ups.
2022-12-09 11:19:41
Lavanya has been called by her treating Doctor on the 16th Dec for her Medical follow ups.
2022-12-06 10:44:36
Lavanya has been called by her treating Doctor on the 16th Dec for her Medical follow ups.
2022-12-01 10:29:31
Lavanya has been called by her treating Doctor on the 16th Dec for her Medical follow ups.
2022-11-29 16:16:52
Lavanya has her Hospital visit every 15 to 20 days,for her Medical follow ups.
2022-11-25 10:20:00
Lavanya has her Hospital visit every 15 to 20 days,for her Medical follow ups.
2022-11-21 16:35:22
Lavanya has her Hospital visit every 15 to 20 days,for her Medical follow ups..
2022-11-17 17:06:25
Lavanya has her Hospital visit every 15 to 20 days,for her Medical follow ups.
2022-11-15 11:15:58
Lavanya visit Hospital after every 15 to 20 days.
2022-11-10 11:21:13
Lavanya visit Hospital after every 15 to 20 days.
2022-11-08 11:03:29
Lavanya is currently at home on Medication ,She would be visiting the Hospital on the 21st Nov for her Medical follow ups.