Twins of Deevyashri are 8 day old premature babies. They need 4 weeks of NICU stay. | Please support their treatment.....
"I was very happy and excited to welcome my baby. My happiness was doubled when I got to know that we were expecting twins. But my happiness didn’t last for a longer time as my babies were born prematurely. I’m an ordinary painter. I have a minimal income. I m not able to afford the cost of my babies treatment. Please help me save my babies." - Mr. Chandrashekhar (father)
Twins of Deevyashri are 8-day old premature babies (One 1boy, 1 girl). Their father, Mr Chandrashekhar works as a painter and their mother Mrs Deevyashri is a housewife. These twins are their firstborn children.
Born in the 7th month, the babies were suffering from prematurity, respiratory distress and infections. Both the babies were kept in the NICU for their treatment. Baby 1 is given ventilator support and baby 2 is on HFNC. Doctors treating them had suggested 4 weeks of NICU stay. The babies were admitted to Motherhood hospital. The estimated cost of their treatment is Rs. 10,00,000/- (rupees ten lakhs only).
Twin’s father, being the only earning member in the family with a minimum earning was not able to afford the cost of his twin's treatment.
But with your help and donations, the treatment of the twins was successful and we were able to save two innocent lives. Thank you.
How Can You Help in our future campaigns:
-You can Donate to the Fundraiser
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